* @ngdoc service
* @name CommService
* @module s4c.services.CommService
* @description Componente para acesso a api do backend e/ou comunicação entre controllers
(function () {
'use strict';
* Incidentes:
* * newIncidente
* * newCategoria
* Mensageria:
* * newMessage(USER)
* * newGroup
* * newGroupMessage
* @method CommService
* @param {*} AuthService
* @param {*} $rootScope
* @param {*} $q
function CommService(AuthService, $rootScope, $q) {
$rootScope.socketReady = $q.defer();
var sio;
* @method start
function start() {
AuthService.getUserInfo().then(function (user) {
sio = io.connect('/', {
query: 'user=' + user.id + (user.Departamento ? '&departamento=' + user.Departamento.nome : '')
/* Set the socket to ready */
* @method emit
* @param {*} chanel
* @param {*} data
function emit(channel, data) {
$rootScope.socketReady.promise.then(function () {
sio.emit(channel, data);
* @method on
* @param {*} chanel
* @param {*} cb
function on(channel, cb) {
$rootScope.socketReady.promise.then(function () {
sio.on(channel, cb);
* @method removeListener
* @param {*} chanel
function removeListener(channel) {
$rootScope.socketReady.promise.then(function () {
* @method stop
* @param {*} chanel
function stop(){
$rootScope.socketReady.promise.then(function () {
return {
emit: emit,
on: on,
start: start,
removeListener: removeListener,
stop : stop
angular.module('s4c.services.CommService', [])
.factory('CommService', CommService);
CommService.$inject = ['AuthService', '$rootScope', '$q'];